Finding Your Pura Vida

Pura Vida [Pure Life] means different things to different people. Regardless of how true you are to its tico meaning, Costa Rica is grounded in it. Whether you are in the tourism mecca of Tamarindo, the hustle and bustle of San Jose, the rain cloud region of Monteverde, the dense rain forest of the Osa or the yoga surf community of Nosara, everyone speaks … pura vida.

However, the greater the density, the more the traffic, the louder the sounds of moving and shaking, pura vida gets buried a bit. So you have to ask yourself, where can I go where Pura Vida is strongest. Candidly, I don’t know all of Costa Rica. But I can tell you, if you fly into Liberia, that’s a good start. It’s a large town or small city unlike the more metropolitan San Jose. Two hours south of Liberia, you will find a “chill” corridor of beach towns, all rustic, authentic with minimal development, yet homes as modern and beautiful or as modest and local, as you like. Stop by Marbella, San Juanillo, Ostional and Nosara to start.

These towns avoid development on the beach, fast highways, hi-rise hotels and stop lights. They are; however, rich in Blue Zone [see related post], authentic cuisine in outdoor restaurants, daily surf, yin and restorative yoga, local cerveza and coffee.

So before you set down roots or even vacation in Costa Rica, decide if you are in fact looking for a tourist vacation or the discovery of a pure life. Pura Vida!


Who Needs Patience?


Get Me Some Blue Zone